Success and Nicotex Quitting Journey

We believed.They made it happen.

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Listen to some success stories that started with nothing but a little belief.

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In order to help people in their journey to quit smoking, we chose 1000 consumers and sent Nicotex gums to them for testing and sharing their experience. When Nicotex was #PutToTheTest, we came to know what our consumers think of us.

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The stress of working in an advertising agency had made me start smoking. Before long, I was smoking two packs a day. Soon I realized that smoking was having adverse effects on my skin and looks. Then Nicotex came to my help. Not only did it support my willpower, it helped with the cravings as well. In a matter of a month, I was smoke-free. It has been two years since I had quit, all thanks to Nicotex.

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Bobby Khurana Creative Producer

Bobby Khurana, Creative Producer, Conde Nast Creative Studio, talks about his journey of calling it quits with smokes. This is his story of change with Nicotex.

A. Waghmare

My doctor told me that, as a smoker, I was 10 times more likely to end up with various diseases. I quit the following day but quickly relapsed. Nicotex helped me quit for good along with the constant support from my family. Yes, it’s possible! After a few months after relapse, I felt disgusted with my behavior and tried Nicotex. With support from my wife during this first cessation attempt, I’ve successfully quit for nearly a year now. Life is unbelievably good without cigarettes and I can’t believe I’ve stopped smoking for so long, even after everything I’ve gone through. I want to encourage everyone to try hard and never stop trying.